20 km Southern of the town of “Slenfeh”, at 1200 m high in Latakian mountains tops a place called “Aljwbat”. There, Biodiversity is quite different from the North Where there is no trace of cedar trees. This applies to butterflies Where there is no Hipparchia syriaca but a lot of Brintesia circe. I think the biodiversity affects. where the tree of (Acer, Ostrya), which in turn is affected by the geological situation of area. “Aljawbat” tops are formed in the Triassic period from a volcanic activity known as “Kimberlite pipes”.



Family: Nymphalidae  – Specie : Brintesia circe

Place: Jawbat- Qrdaha countryside, Latakian mountains  Date: 24/8/2018

Photo by: Mudar Salimeh